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  • Taxes on eSports income – everything nonresidents need to know

    Do eSport players have to pay taxes?

    eSports are a form of competition where video gamers from around the world connect and compete for money.

    Despite being around since the 1970s, eSports only began to truly take off in the late 2000s. In fact, it is estimated that nearly 500 million people tuned into Esports in 2020, whether as enthusiasts or occasional viewers.

    From amateur level gamers to tournaments with millions of dollars in prize money on offer, eSports has blown up in a big way over the past decade.

    But tournament play isn’t the only way to earn an income from eSports.

    The outbreak of COVID-19 has empowered gamers to find opportunities to earn an income from live-streaming and even ‘influencer’ marketing!

    Many US universities are jumping on the eSports bandwagon too!

    In fact, more than 60 education institutions in the US have introduced an eSports program and the NCAA are reportedly considering a role in the sport.

    However, the IRS does not consider tax evasion to be a game.

    So if you are in the US as a nonresident and have eSports gaming earnings, it’s important to keep in mind that you are obliged to declare this income for tax.

    Determining how to include your eSports income on your tax return can be tricky.

    With that in mind, we’ve put together this guide on everything you need to know about your eSports tax requirements.

    Are nonresidents entitled to earn income from Esports in the US?

    The answer to this question largely depends on your visa and immigration status.

    While many nonresidents will be entitled to earn an income from eSports, it is important to be aware that you will need to obtain the proper immigration status before you earn an income.

    How much tax will I have to pay on my eSports income and will I have to file a tax return?

    As eSports becomes increasingly popular and a greater number of individuals earn income, it is easy to imagine that the IRS will put a larger emphasis on the taxation of this industry.

    With this in mind, it is wise to correctly determine your tax liability early so that you can avoid a tax bill (and potential fines) from the IRS later on.

    Exactly how much you will pay in tax will depend on the type of income you earned. There are two options to consider: if you are paid to participate and play a number of hours daily, then your income will be treated as personal services and it may be taxed at a graduated rate.

    However, if you win a one-off prize, the amount is taxable at 30% nonresident rate, unless it is covered by a tax treaty between your home country and the US. More on that here.

    However, things may get confusing if you earn income from a tournament held in one state but play it remotely from the state in which you live.

    To examine this in more detail, let’s take a look at a case study.

    Case Study – Abdul

    Abdul is a 23-year old Esports gamer, originally from Pakistan, but living in California on an F-1 visa. Abdul does not meet the Substantial Presence Test and is therefore deemed a nonresident for tax purposes.

    In March 2021, he took part in an online tournament from his bedroom in California. He ended up finishing the tournament in first place and pocketing the prize money.

    However, the tournament was held in New York.

    Abdul may have to pay taxes on his Californian tax return as well as a New York tax return.

    Abdul will be entitled to pay what is known as ‘jock tax’.

    This is used by a state tax authority in order to charge eSport players that aren’t residents for income earned there.

    How to include eSports income on your tax return

    Firstly, it depends on how you received the money.

    If you entered a competition and won the money by yourself, you will technically have won a prize or award, which still needs to be taxed.

    In general, nonresidents who receive this are taxed at a rate of 30%. You should complete a W-8BEN in order to confirm your foreign status and treaty eligibility with the payer of the award from this tournament.

    If you are a nonresident in the US, and you are employed by a gaming company and received the money as salary, you will be required to file a form 1040-NR in order to pay tax on esports winnings.

    On top of this, if you are hired by a company to play games professionally, which many gamers are, income will need to be added to your W-2 form by your employer.

    The W-2 form should be issued by the company that hires you. Dependent personal service income (wages, salaries) are taxed at a graduated rate to NRA, unless these are not covered by a tax treaty agreement.

    Depending on where the tournament took place, you may also be required to file a state(s) tax return.

    Where to include it on your tax return will also depend on how much money you made from it.

    If you only earned a small amount of money, you can claim it as additional income on your tax return.

    What happens if I don’t file my tax return

    It’s hugely important that you comply with US tax regulations.

    After all, with the growth of the eSports industry, the IRS is stepping up its approach to the taxation of Esports income.

    The message from the IRS? File your taxes!

    You will need to file before the US tax deadline (April 15).

    By not filing or declaring all of your income, you may receive penalties and fines from the IRS.

    In general, you will be hit with the late-filing penalty of 5% for each month left unfiled.

    If, after 60 days have passed and you still haven’t filed, the minimum penalty is $435 or 100% of the unpaid tax, whichever is less.

    There is also a chance that any future US visa and Green Card applications may be affected as a consequence.

    The good news is that you can easily prepare your US tax documents online with Sprintax!

    Who can help me with my US tax return?

    Sprintax Returns can help you take care of your tax responsibilities!

    If you are a nonresident in the US, our software will ensure that your income is properly declared, meaning you won’t end up paying any more income than you need to.

    In fact, we are the only online Federal and State self-prep tax software currently available for nonresidents in the US!

    If you are confused about any aspect of your tax obligations, we also offer 24/7 Live Chat.

    If you have any questions about your tax situation, feel free to reach out to our team at any time.

  • Should nonresidents in the US report Cryptocurrency on their tax return?

    Reporting cryptocurrency on nonresident tax return

    Although Bitcoin was invented in January 2009, from a taxation point of view, cryptocurrency is still a relatively new phenomenon.

    Since its inception, investors in cryptocurrency have been unsure of their tax and reporting requirements. And many important questions on the topic have gone unanswered for years.

    Is cryptocurrency considered taxable in the US? If so, how much tax is deducted from gains? What type of tax should be deducted and how should this be reported to the IRS?

    The situation is even trickier for nonresidents in the US. While every nonresident is required to file tax documents to account for their time in the US, it can be hard to declare your cryptocurrency profits for taxation when you are unfamiliar with IRS tax law.

    The overall market value of digital currencies has increased roughly 75% in 2021. In fact, the value of the cryptocurrency market passed $2 trillion for the first time in April 2021. Bitcoin is the most popular digital currency – representing approximately 50% of this $2 trillion.

    With this in mind, it is easy to see why so many investors are attracted to these virtual, volatile currencies.

    In years past, it had been somewhat easy to avoid declaring your crypto-gains for tax. However, times are changing.

    If you are in the US as a nonresident – for example as an international student on an F-1 visa – and you are earning income from cryptocurrency, in this guide, you will find out everything you need to know about your tax reporting requirements.

    Do I need to report Cryptocurrency on my US tax return?

    Yes. If you have made a profit from cryptocurrency (which you traded from a US exchange or broker) while you were living in the US, you will have to declare this income.

    In short, cryptocurrency is treated as property by the IRS.

    That means any profit you make on it will be subject to Capital Gains Tax at 30% and must be included on your 1040-NR tax return.

    If you dispose of your investment for a loss, you will not need to pay tax. However, as a nonresident, you will not be able to use your losses against any tax liabilities in future years.

    While the lines may seem slightly blurred in regards to cryptocurrency and tax filing now, this will unlikely be the case in future years.

    Crispian Robinson, Strategic Partnerships at Koinly, says that cryptocurrency is high on the agenda of tax authorities globally:

    “It’s clear that Tax Authorities around the world are increasingly applying pressure on the Crypto Industry in order to drive tax compliance, ranging from partnering with exchanges to gain user trading data to developing new legislation bills.

    For example, President Biden’s latest $1 trillion infrastructure bill has specifically singled out tighter tax regulation over the Crypto industry as a key source of funding, expecting to raise $28 billion over 10 years as a direct result.”

    It appears inevitable that tighter regulation and tax compliance is coming and will be key in helping to further legitimize the cryptocurrency industry in the eyes of regulators.

    Crypto investor? We’ve teamed up with Koinly to calculate the tax you might owe on your cryptocurrency capital gains and income.

    How much tax will I pay?

    Firstly, all of the following cryptocurrency transactions are considered taxable:

    • Sale of cryptocurrency, mined personally, to a third party.
    • Sale of cryptocurrency, purchased from someone else to a third party.
    • Using mined cryptocurrency in order to buy goods or services.

    Nonresidents will pay tax at 30% on their income from cryptocurrency. And unlike residents, nonresidents are not entitled to use losses from previous years to offset their tax liability.

    As we mentioned above, the IRS considers cryptocurrency to be property. That means they are taxed in a similar fashion to gains made from stocks, shares and bricks and mortar property.

    In other words, if you sell some stock for a profit of $1,000, this is considered a “taxable event” and you must declare this money for Capital Gains Tax.

    But things aren’t always that straightforward when it comes to cryptocurrency. For example, if you use your Bitcoin to purchase Ethereum, does the IRS consider this to be a taxable event?

    What about if you pay for dinner or buy basketball tickets with Litecoin?

    The answer is yes!

    Every time you purchase something with cryptocurrency, the IRS will treat this as an instance where the asset was liquidated. And if you have made a profit, you must declare that for tax.

    However, if you have made a profit from cryptocurrency, it’s important to know that even if your home country has a tax treaty with the US, the gain is not covered by the treaty and will still be taxed accordingly.


    How do I determine the correct amount of cryptocurrency income to declare for tax?

    Many investors struggle to work out exactly how much they made or lost from their cryptocurrency investment.

    If you trade stocks or shares through a brokerage, the brokers should issue a Form 1042-S which documents your transactions, you may need to request this though.

    However, this form is often not generated to account for cryptocurrency transactions.

    Meanwhile, some exchanges have begun to issue a 1099-K form to account for cryptocurrency transactions. This is typically done where there are at least 200 transactions worth an aggregate of $20,000 or more. However, this form only reports the total value of transactions and does not detail how much the investor put in at the outset.

    As a result, many investors over-report their gains and pay more tax than they need to. With this in mind, it is advisable to properly document each cryptocurrency investment that you make and keep these records in a safe place.

    It’s important to remember that the purchase of digital currency is not a taxable event. Instead an investor must determine their tax liability when they sell their cryptocurrency for a profit.

    Some cryptocurrency exchanges will provide you with an excel summary of all your trades. This document will enable you to determine the amount you originally invested as well as the profit that you have made, so be sure to keep them safe.

    Alternatively, if the sale involves the disposal of assets from a variety of sources, the investor will need to know the fair market value of the asset on the day of sale.

    David Kremmer, bitcoin expert and CEO of CoinLedger, outlines that transactions may be difficult to report if assets are sent from wallet-to-wallet. He says:

    “Due to the transferable nature of cryptocurrencies, it’s easy for investors to send their assets from wallet-to-wallet or from one exchange platform to another.

    This creates difficulties when reconciling transactions for tax reporting.

    To help calculate your total profit, you should keep records of your cost basis (the original purchase price) for each cryptocurrency when you first acquired it. Having these records will dramatically help you when tax time comes around.”


    Sprintax Returns can help you file your tax return no matter where you are in the world!

    File your 1040NR online


    What happens if I don’t report my Cryptocurrency income?

    The IRS is taking the taxation of virtual currency seriously and has recently stepped up its efforts to crack-down on cryptocurrency tax-dodgers. The agency is liaising with crypto exchanges for information regarding non-compliant taxpayers.

    In fact, over the last two years, the IRS announced it was sending letters to more than 10,000 people who potentially failed to report cryptocurrency income. The letters state that individuals have 30 days to respond to the IRS. The result of non-compliance? Usually a tax audit for the investor.

    The message from the IRS is clear: file your taxes.

    This US tax deadline falls on 15 April each year (18 April in 2022), so you should know before then whether or not you need to file.

    If you do not file and declare all of your income, you leave yourself open to penalties and fines from the IRS. The late filing penalty is generally 5% of the unpaid taxes for each month or part month that it is late.

    However, if you still haven’t filed more than 60 days after the due date or extended due date, the minimum penalty is $435 or 100% of the unpaid tax, whichever is less.

    As a nonresident, failure to comply with your US tax obligations can also jeopardize your future US visa and Green Card applications.

    H1B taxes

    I earned a profit from bitcoin in previous years. Can I retrospectively declare this income to the IRS?

    2019 was the first year that the IRS included a reference to cryptocurrency on their tax documents.

    Citizens and resident aliens were asked on Form Schedule 1: “At any time during 2019, did you receive, sell, send, exchange or otherwise acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency?

    Schedule 1 is used to report income that is otherwise not listed on Form 1040. This typically includes capital gains, alimony, or gambling winnings.

    However, Schedule 1 which nonresidents received did not reference cryptocurrency. Instead, nonresidents were expected to report their gains on Schedule NEC along with their Form 1040NR.

    In 2020, the IRS recognized that the process needed to be simplified as millions of dollars of cryptocurrency slipped through the net. With this in mind, the IRS moved the virtual currency question to the main 1040 tax return form.

    If you have earned income from cryptocurrency which has not previously been reported, it is advisable to declare this income to the IRS.

    Despite the IRS only beginning to update their tax documents in 2019 in relation to cryptocurrency, the US tax authority had issued notices as far back as 2014 and many of the rules outlined at that time are still in force today.

    In summary, if you were paid for personal services with cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, it’s advisable to report it on your tax return, the same as ordinary income.

    Case Studies

    Case study 1 – Mike buys 3 Bitcoin

    Mike, who is on an F-1 visa in the US, purchases 3 Bitcoin for $9,000 and later sells it for $11,000, meaning he made a profit of $2,000.

    In this case, Mike’s profit of $2,000 will be taxed at 30%. This means that he will have a federal tax bill of $600 on his cryptocurrency income.


    Case study 2 – Sachin purchases multiple Bitcoin at different times

    Sachin is in the US on an F-1 visa. He purchased five Bitcoin in 2010 for $5,000 ($1,000 each), and three Bitcoin in 2018 for $12,000 ($4,000 each). He then sells six Bitcoin three years later for $20,000 in 2021.

    How should Sachin calculate his tax liability?

    The IRS says that if you can identify the Bitcoins that have been sold, their cost basis can be used. For example, Sachin sold three Bitcoin of $1,000 ($3,000 in total) from his wallet created in 2010 and three Bitcoin of $4,000 ($12,000 in total) from his wallet from 2018.

    In this case, the cost basis is $15,000 and the profit is $5,000 ($20,000 sales price minus the aforementioned $15,000 cost basis).

    So, the tax due in this case will be $1,500 ($5,000 at a tax rate of 30%).

    If it is difficult for Sachin to distinguish which Bitcoin are sold, the IRS advises that he should use a ‘first in, first out’ (FIFO) method to calculate his liability.

    Therefore, the first five Bitcoin would be based on the oldest cost basis of $1,000 ($5,000), followed by one Bitcoin of $4,000 – the newer purchase.

    As a result, the basis would be $9,000 and the profits under FIFO method would be $11,000 with tax bill of $3,300.

    How should nonresidents declare their cryptocurrency gains to the IRS?

    Simply put, it depends on how you use cryptocurrency.

    If you invest in cryptocurrency and you earn a profit from it, it will be taxed as Capital Gains Tax, and you will need to report it as a capital gain on the table at the bottom of the Schedule NEC page and transfer the same total as capital gains on the relevant line on your 1040NR form.

    If you were paid in bitcoin for work done as a self-employed person, this will count as personal services income – and you will need to report it on 1099-NEC.

    It is important to know that you may not need to pay tax on any profit until you purchase something or sell your investment. When you do this, you will need to pay Capital Gains Tax.


    Does the source of income matter?


    If you earned income from cryptocurrency from a US source you will need to pay tax on the amount of profit gained.

    If you earned your cryptocurrency profit from a different country, you will not have a US tax liability but may have tax requirements in the country where the digital currency was bought and sold.


    How can Sprintax help me?

    In short, Sprintax can help you organize your tax responsibilities ahead of the US tax deadline.

    If you are earning income from cryptocurrency, or from other types of investments, we will ensure that your income is properly declared to the IRS and that you don’t pay any more income than you need to.

    Sprintax is the only online Federal and State self-prep tax software that is available for nonresidents in the US.

    To get started, simply create your Sprintax account here.


    What’s more, we also offer 24/7 Live Chat tax support. So if you have any questions about your personal tax situation, you can contact our team at any time.

  • The dangers of not filing a tax return

    Not filing a tax reurn

    If you have worked or studied in the USA, did you know that you are obliged to file taxes?

    Many nonresidents are unaware of this fact due to a combination of factors, such as busy lifestyle or they have left the country.

    However, whatever the case may be, not filing your taxes has very serious consequences.

    If you are a nonresident and still live in the US, continuing to avoid your responsibility can result in automatic wage seizure by the courts, asset seizures like your car and may even lead to arrest and jail time for tax evasion.

    What happens if I don’t file?

    If you do not pay the taxes you owe by the tax deadline (15 April every year, except 2020 and 2021 which were 17 May and 15 July respectively) you could be hit with a variety of punishments.

    Here are a few different dangers of not filing your tax return:

    You could miss out on your tax refund!

    If you are entitled to a tax refund, you won’t be punished for filing late by the IRS.

    If you wait longer than three years from the date your refund is published, however, you will lose out on your chance to claim the refund as it will automatically be handed over to the US government.

    You could be hit with fines and penalties

    If you have unpaid taxes, you will owe the IRS interest in addition to any penalties.

    You should do your best to file your tax return before the deadline to avoid facing penalties and fines!

    The penalty for filing late is normally 5% of the unpaid taxes for each month or part month that a tax return is late. That penalty starts accruing the day after the tax filing due date and will not exceed 25% of your unpaid taxes.

    If you file your tax return more than 60 days after the due date or extended due date, the minimum penalty is strong – $135 or 100% of the unpaid tax, whichever is less.

    If you do not pay your taxes by the tax deadline, you will normally face a failure-to-pay penalty of 0.5% of your unpaid taxes.

    Residency status for tax purposes

    Can I file if I have left the US?


    You can file your US tax return with Sprintax from anywhere in the world!

    Sprintax is the only online Federal and State self-prep tax software for nonresidents in the US!

    Our system will assist you in preparing fully compliant Federal and State tax returns and secure your maximum legal tax refund.

    The average federal refund in the US is $1,126!

    With Sprintax you can:

    • Save time and stress!
    • Determine your residency status
    • Prepare a fully compliant US tax return
    • E-file your Federal tax return
    • Maximize your State tax refund
    • Avail of our 24/7 Vita Qualified Live Chat facility

    Complete your nonresident tax return today!

  • Do you use Workday to manage employee payroll? Sprintax Calculus can help with your nonresident tax withholding

    Workday employee payroll

    There is no doubt about it. Workday has been a game-changer in simplifying work processes for payroll office staff.

    Where once payroll/tax compliance staff relied on a plethora of different resources to manage their payroll requirements, Workday has worked wonders in centralizing the process into one tool. Continue reading “Do you use Workday to manage employee payroll? Sprintax Calculus can help with your nonresident tax withholding” »

  • Introducing your one stop shop for determining tax treaty entitlements!

    Sprintax Calculus (TDS) new tax treaty engine

    Sprintax Calculus (formerly Sprintax TDS) launch new Tax Treaty Engine

    Every year, the proper documentation and withholding of tax from nonresident aliens becomes a bigger issue for organizations around in the US.

    Exactly how a nonresident should be taxed depends on a number of unique circumstances including where they’re from, the type of income they are earning and the amount of time they have spent in the US. Continue reading “Introducing your one stop shop for determining tax treaty entitlements!” »

  • How to prepare your state tax only with Sprintax

    State only tax return Sprintax

    The prospect of tax filing and tax returns can be confusing and daunting for international students in the US.

    So, if this is how you feel, you are not alone!

    Even if you have filed your federal tax return – you may not be finished with your tax requirements.

    In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to prepare your state tax return the easiest way – with Sprintax!

    Continue reading “How to prepare your state tax only with Sprintax” »

  • H2B workers and taxes – all you need to know

    H2B visa temporary worker-tax guide

    What is the H-2B visa?

    The H2B program allows employers in the US, who meet regulatory requirements, to bring nonresidents to the US to fill temporary (non-agricultural) jobs – for example, hotel staff, janitors, amusement park workers, landscapers, etc.

    US Government announces increase in H2B visa cap for 2021

    The US government has announced that the H2B visa cap has been extended by 22,000 visas to a total of 88,000 per year. Continue reading “H2B workers and taxes – all you need to know” »

  • Иностранцы-нерезиденты: Ваше руководство по стимулирующим выплатам в соответствии с COVID-19 CARES Act

    Кто имеет право на получение выплаты CARES?

    Примечание: в марте 2021 года правительство США начало распространение третьего раунда стимулирующих выплат на сумму $1,400. Если вы получили этот чек и не имеете на него права, совет из этого блога будет вам полезен!

    Вы также можете узнать больше о втором платеже по стимулированию пандемии (в размере $600) здесь. Continue reading “Иностранцы-нерезиденты: Ваше руководство по стимулирующим выплатам в соответствии с COVID-19 CARES Act” »

  • Электронная подача федеральной налоговой декларации теперь доступна для нерезидентов на Sprintax!

    Sprintax Электронная подача федеральной налоговой декларации

    Никогда еще не было так просто подать федеральную налоговую декларацию США для нерезидентов.

    Мы рады сообщить, что Sprintax – единственное онлайн-решение для налоговых деклараций нерезидентов по федеральным налогам и налогам штата – теперь доступно для электронной подачи федеральной налоговой декларации.

    Это означает, что, заполнив простую анкету Sprintax, вы можете подать федеральную декларацию напрямую в IRS (Internal Revenue Service – Налоговое Управление США) онлайн. Continue reading “Электронная подача федеральной налоговой декларации теперь доступна для нерезидентов на Sprintax!” »

  • Nonresident aliens: Your guide to navigating the COVID-19 CARES Act Stimulus Payments

    Who is eligible for stimulus checks

    Updated: 19 April 2021

    Note: In March 2021, the US government began distributing a third round of stimulus checks – worth $1,400. If you received this check, and you are not entitled to it, you will find the advice in this article useful!

    You can also read more about the second pandemic stimulus payment (worth $600) here.

    This article was originally published on 17 April 2020

    What you need to know about the CARES Act

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the US government introduced the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act in April 2020.
    Continue reading “Nonresident aliens: Your guide to navigating the COVID-19 CARES Act Stimulus Payments” »

  • Novidade: Sprintax agora está ATIVO para o E-Filing Federal de Não-residentes!

    Sprintax ativo para e-filing federal

    Nunca foi tão fácil para não-residentes nos EUA apresentar a declaração de impostos federais.

    Estamos animados em anunciar que a Sprintax – a única solução online para declarações de impostos federais e estaduais de não-residentes nos EUA – está agora disponível para o Federal E-Filing.

    Isso significa que, ao preencher o questionário fácil da Sprintax, você pode apresentar sua declaração de impostos federais diretamente na IRS online. Continue reading “Novidade: Sprintax agora está ATIVO para o E-Filing Federal de Não-residentes!” »

  • Did you leave the US due to Covid-19? You could be due a tax refund!

    due a tax refund

    Covid-19 called a halt to countless peoples plans in 2020!

    Many nonresidents had to leave their adventures in foreign lands and travel home.

    If you were one of the people who had to leave the US due to the pandemic…we feel your pain!

    However, you should know that you still have tax filing obligations in the US!

    Lucky for you, you could be due a big tax refund! Continue reading “Did you leave the US due to Covid-19? You could be due a tax refund!” »

  • US Tax Deadline Extended to 17 May 2021

    Tax time clock

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced that the US tax deadline has been extended from 15 April until 17 May 2021.

    The decision has been made in order to give taxpayers who may be under financial pressure more time to file their taxes, the tax agency have said.

    It comes after last year’s deadline was also pushed forward from 15 April 2020 to 15 July 2020 in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
    Continue reading “US Tax Deadline Extended to 17 May 2021” »

  • Making a profit from Robinhood? Here’s everything a nonresident needs to know about their trading tax requirements

    Robinhood and Etrade trading tax requirements

    Over recent weeks, stock trading apps, such as Robinhood and Etrade, have featured prominently in news headlines – dominating the public psyche more than ever before.

    Gone are the days when investing in stocks and shares was limited to Wall Street traders.

    In January 2021, when a large group of Reddit users banded together to invest in the video game retailer GameStop, we saw a clear demonstration of just how easy it has become to invest your money and make a profit.

    In fact, nowadays, anyone can invest from their phone while on the go.

    But if you’re making a profit from stock trading apps, there is one important factor to keep in mind: if you are investing in a share or other property which is located in the US, it’s likely that you will have to pay tax to the IRS on your profits. Continue reading “Making a profit from Robinhood? Here’s everything a nonresident needs to know about their trading tax requirements” »

  • Everything a nonresident in the US needs to know about the second COVID stimulus payment

    Second IRS stimulus check NRAs

    Did you receive $600 from the IRS? Here’s what you should know

    In late December, the US government passed an act which authorized the IRS to begin delivering a new round of pandemic Economic Impact Payments to taxpayers – via direct debit and paper checks.

    The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act provides a one-time payment of up to $600 per eligible person.
    Continue reading “Everything a nonresident in the US needs to know about the second COVID stimulus payment” »