All posts in Sprintax

  • Forms W-8BEN and W-8BEN-E instructions – what are they and how to fill them out

    form W-8BEN instructions

    (Last updated: 17 June 2024)

    The W-8 forms are notoriously tricky for nonresidents to complete.

    However, it’s important to have a good understanding of these documents – especially if you intend to earn income while in the US.

    So, with that in mind, we have gathered everything you need to know about form  W-8BEN into this handy guide.

    So what is the purpose of a W-8BEN? Let’s take a look…

    Continue reading “Forms W-8BEN and W-8BEN-E instructions – what are they and how to fill them out” »

  • Impozitele pentru viza J-1 explicate – ghidul de întocmire a declarațiilor fiscale în SUA pentru deținătorii de vize J-1

    Impozitele pentru viza J-1 Work & Travel explicate

    Zeci de mii de persoane vin în SUA în fiecare an cu vize J-1.

    Fiecare participant J-1 are obligația de a depune o declarație fiscală, așa prevede legea!

    Mulți deținători de vize J-1 sunt derutați de jargonul fiscal american, adesea complicat. Cu toate acestea, nu este atât de rău pe cât pare, iar cunoașterea chiar și a câtorva informații despre cerințele de depunere a declarațiilor poate fi foarte utilă!

    Având în vedere acest lucru, am creat un blog care va răspunde la câteva întrebări frecvente ale participanților J-1 din SUA! Continue reading “Impozitele pentru viza J-1 explicate – ghidul de întocmire a declarațiilor fiscale în SUA pentru deținătorii de vize J-1” »

  • What are my tax obligations as a nonresident self-employed worker in the US?

    self-employed and freelancers tax obligations

    (Last updated: 12 Mar 2024)

    It’s tricky being self-employed – after all, you need to keep a close eye on your income and all of your deductible expenses!

    It’s even more tricky being self-employed in a country where you are unfamiliar with the local tax rules.

    What’s more, when you are considered a nonresident for tax, special rules apply to you when compared with a resident.

    In this blog we will cover the key information that nonresident self-employed individuals in the US need to know about their tax filing obligations. Continue reading “What are my tax obligations as a nonresident self-employed worker in the US?” »

  • 13 US tax questions every nonresident student asks us!

    Are you a nonresident student in America? Do you find US tax to be confusing?

    Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Even for the most financially savvy US citizen, American tax can be pretty tricky.

    That’s why we’ve prepared a list of common questions nonresidents ask us and answer them here in this handy blog!
    Continue reading “13 US tax questions every nonresident student asks us!” »

  • Utilizar TurboTax para reclamar tu reembolso de impuestos J1 puede ser ilegal

    Turbotax reembolso de impuestos

    (Última actualización: 14 Mar 2024)

    Es difícil imaginar algo peor que el IRS (Internal Revenue Service, Servicio de Ingresos Internos) después de la experiencia J1 de tu vida.

    Sin embargo, esto es exactamente lo que puede suceder si presentas una declaración de impuestos incorrecta de Estados Unidos.
    Continue reading “Utilizar TurboTax para reclamar tu reembolso de impuestos J1 puede ser ilegal” »

  • Why are my federal wages different from my state wages?

    Federal wages differing from state wages

    (Updated for 2024)

    When preparing your tax return you will need to include some details from your income documents about the money you earned and taxes you paid in the US.

    While it is not unusual for there to be differences between the taxation of federal and state income, it can be tricky for nonresidents to file their taxes in such cases.
    The easiest way to prepare your tax documents online is by using Sprintax Returns (formerly Sprintax Tax Preparation)- the nonresident alien tax return software.

    In this guide, we’re going to outline how you can enter your payment and tax details by completing Step 3 of the Sprintax tax prep process and what to do if you receive an error alert relating to your federal and state income. Continue reading “Why are my federal wages different from my state wages?” »

  • I have received a 1095 form. Should I include this on my tax return?

    reporting forms 1095 and 1098 on NRA tax-return

    (Last updated: 6 Mar 2024)

    Which details from your 1095 and 1098 forms should you include on your tax return?

    In March 2010, when President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, three new forms were introduced into the US tax system – 1095 A, B, and C.

    The primary focus of these forms is to account for the healthcare coverage you purchased during the tax year.

    However, if you are a nonresident in the US, you may be wondering why you received a 1095 form (especially when you consider that purchasing healthcare coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace is not mandatory for nonresidents) and whether or not you can claim any benefits on your tax return.

    The answer to this question very much depends on your personal circumstances and the type of form you received.

    In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about 1095 forms and how to file a compliant tax return.


    Continue reading “I have received a 1095 form. Should I include this on my tax return?” »

  • Explainer: What each Sprintax Product will do for you

    What do Sprintax products do

    It has been nearly one year since Sprintax underwent brand updates to ensure we were delivering the very best possible product for our customers.

    Our goal is to assist employers and nonresidents alike in the US with preparing their taxes, ensuring they are 100% tax compliant.

    Each brand offers a simple and easy-to-use product that couples peace of mind with tax compliance – often a rarity in the US!

    So, what is each Sprintax product, and what will it do for you?

    Find out below!

    Continue reading “Explainer: What each Sprintax Product will do for you” »

  • How to e-file your nonresident federal tax return using Sprintax

    It has never been easier to file your nonresident US federal tax return.

    Sprintax – the best online solution for nonresident federal and state tax returns – is the go-to software for Federal E-Filing.

    This means that, by completing the easy Sprintax questionnaire, you can file your 2023 federal return directly with the IRS online.


    What is E-Filing?

    Sprintax is now approved by the IRS to submit Federal tax returns electronically (E-Filing).

    In short, this means you no longer need to download, print and mail a physical copy of your tax return to the US tax office. Instead, you can now file your federal tax return without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home.

    By E-Filing your tax return, you can ensure that your taxes are processed by the IRS faster than if you filed a paper tax return.


    File 1040NR Online


    How does E-Filing with Sprintax work?

    When you complete the Sprintax questionnaire and proceed through the order breakdown and payment stage, you will be ready to submit your 2023 US tax return.

    If you wish to E-File your taxes, you must firstly confirm that you have not previously E-Filed your tax return before.

    You can then click the ‘Proceed with E-File’ button to move to the next step.


    E-File Authentication

    To E-File your tax return you must first electronically sign your tax return using the information requested on the screen.

    Before you can sign your return, we must verify your identity. To do so, we will ask you to provide information from your previous federal tax return.

    If you filed a federal tax return last year, you can either provide your prior year adjusted gross income or your self-selected 5-digit pin.

    You can find your adjusted gross income on line 11 of your 2022 1040NR. Please ensure the information you provide here is correct.

    If you did not file a tax return for tax year 2022, please enter ‘0’ as your prior year adjusted gross income.

    If you filed an amended tax return for tax year 2022, please enter the adjusted gross income listed on the return you filed originally.


    Electronically signing your tax return

    You will be required to select any 5-digit number (other than 00000) to electronically sign your tax return. Ensure you keep a record of this pin in a safe place.

    You will need to acknowledge that this pin is your signature and that and that you are now authorizing transmission of your return.


    Final steps

    Next, you must read the disclaimer and consent statements and confirm your agreement and that you have reviewed the information that you have entered and examined your tax return.

    You will also need to confirm that the social security numbers of each person on the return are correct.

    You must then sign the above consent disclosure by entering your date of birth.

    Finally, simply click ‘E-File My Return’ to electronically send your tax return to the IRS.


    Can I E-File my state taxes with Sprintax?

    No. You can only E-File your federal tax return with Sprintax.

    However, if you are required to file a state tax return, Sprintax will help you to prepare the documents you need.

    When you complete our questionnaire, our software will provide you with your completed state tax return.

    To file your tax return, simply download, print and sign your documents and mail them to the tax office.


    Can everyone E-File their federal taxes?


    You will not be able to file online if:

    1. Any names or SSN do not coincide with the information provided at the About You step of the Sprintax questionnaire
    2. Any of your payment documents do not have an EIN
    3. Any of your 1042-S forms do not have a unique code identifier
    4. You have capital gains income
    5. You have form 1099-NEC
    6. You have form 1099-INT
    7. You have form 1099-MISC with box 4 higher than box 0
    8. You have included your final payslip
    9. You have self-employment income

    If you are not eligible to E-File your taxes, don’t worry. You can still download your completed forms from Sprintax and mail them to the IRS

    Note: If your W2 forms do not have a control number you must enter any 5 digit number instead.


    Do I have to E-File my tax return?

    No. If you would prefer not to file your taxes online, you can file by mail instead. Simply download your tax return, print it, sign it, and mail it to the IRS.


    When is the tax filing deadline?

    It is important to file your tax return before the 15 April 2024.

    If you owe the IRS money and you don’t file your tax return by the deadline, you may incur late filing fines and penalties from the IRS. You may also jeopardize your future US visa applications.

    What’s more, 70% of Sprintax users receive a tax refund. By not filing, you risk missing out on your tax refund.

    The average federal refund is $1,004. Do you really want to leave that kind of money in the US? Of course not!


    E-File your 1040NR US tax return with Sprintax

    File 1040NR Online


    Who must file tax documents in the US?

    Every nonresident in the US has a tax filing requirement.

    If you earned income in the US, you will be required to file a federal tax return. You may also have a state tax filing requirement.

    Nonresident aliens who are in the US on a J or F visa must file a Form 8843 “Statement of Exempt Individuals and Individuals with a Medical Condition” even if they received no income in the US.

    No matter what nonresident tax document you need to file, Sprintax can help you.

    Get started with your US nonresident tax return here.


    Why choose Sprintax?

    Sprintax will cater to all of your nonresident tax filing requirements.

    • We help more than 215,000 nonresidents (from over 200 nationalities) with their taxes every year
    • We are now live for Federal Tax Return E-Filing
    • Automatic generation of completed tax documents including federal, state and FICA tax returns, form 8843, tax return amendments and more
    • Your maximum US tax refund guaranteed – our average federal refund is $1,004
    • 24/7 Live Chat tax support


    How to get started

    To file your US federal tax return online with Sprintax, simply create your account or login here.

    Next, we will ask you a couple of easy questions about your time in the US and the income you earned.

    Our software will then automatically apply any treaty benefits or tax relief you are entitled to – minimizing your tax bill!

    You will then have the opportunity to either E-File or download your completed documents.

    It’s that easy!


    E-File your tax return with Sprintax

    Start here


  • Nonresident alien tax filing explained

    NRA tax guide

    Last updated: 26 Jan 2024

    Whether you are dreaming of a trip to the US, or you are about to embark on one, the prospect of jetting off to The Land of Opportunity is bound to be exciting.

    While you get to grips with the culture in the US, one area that often confuses nonresidents is tax.

    That’s why Sprintax is here!

    We specialize in making tax as straightforward as possible to newcomers in the US.

    So, without further ado, here’s our ultimate guide to filing taxes as a nonresident in the US. Continue reading “Nonresident alien tax filing explained” »

  • How to Pay International Student Fees in the US

    How to pay International tuition fees

    Hey international students in the US! Got a college tuition payment coming up? Here’s how to transfer your fees the easy way

    Picture this.

    You’re busy taking notes during an important university lecture.

    And then your phone lights up.


    It’s time to pay your college fees.

    But as an international student, dealing with currency exchange and bank transfer fees can be a real headache.

    Don’t worry. We’ve put together this simple guide to help you pay your fees the easy way.

    (PSST: If you stick around to the end, we’ll even share some great tips to save you money on your tuition payments.) Continue reading “How to Pay International Student Fees in the US” »

  • Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los impuestos de las “Au Pairs” en Estados Unidos

    Impuestos de Au pairs en EEUU guia-completa

    (Última actualización: 22 Jan 2024)

    ¿Sueñas con hacer un viaje internacional prolongado?

    Muchas familias en Estados Unidos optan por contratar una Au Pair para sus hijos y cada año, miles de Au Pairs de entre 18 y 26 años vienen del extranjero.

    Al adaptarse a su nueva vida en Estados Unidos, uno de los muchos retos que se encontrará una Au Pair es el de adaptarse al sistema fiscal estadounidense.

    Por eso, hemos elaborado esta guía práctica con todo lo que una Au Pair debe saber sobre los impuestos en Estados Unidos. Continue reading “Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los impuestos de las “Au Pairs” en Estados Unidos” »

  • Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre os impostos de Au Pair nos EUA

    Impostos Au pairs nos EUA explicados

    (Ultima atualização: 22 Janeiro 2023)


    Sonha com uma longa viagem internacional?

    Muitas famílias nos Estados Unidos optam por contratar uma au pair para seus filhos. Todos os anos, aproximadamente 20.000 au pairs entre 18 e 26 anos de idade vão aos EUA vindas de outros países.

    Um dos muitos desafios que uma au pair terá que enfrentar no período de adaptação é o de se familiarizar com o sistema tributário americano.

    Com isso em mente, elaboramos este guia prático com tudo o que uma au pair precisa saber sobre os impostos americanos. Continue reading “Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre os impostos de Au Pair nos EUA” »

  • Hiring J-1 Employees – A Complete Guide to employers’ tax requirements

    Hiring a J1 visa employee

    Many employers in the US often find the tax obligations of their J-1 visa employees to be a challenging area to navigate.

    With so many forms and information needed with each employee, there is no surprise that some employers find the process of tax withholding for J-1 visa students tricky. This, coupled with the fact they will not be a resident for tax purposes, make it more challenging.

    The need to complete all of the forms correctly cannot be underestimated, as every nonresident needs to abide by US tax law.

    In this guide we will examine the key tax information that US employers need to know when employing J1 workers.

    Continue reading “Hiring J-1 Employees – A Complete Guide to employers’ tax requirements” »

  • Is Sprintax Returns Safe?

    (Last updated: 1 Aug 2023)

    How to securely file your tax return and retrieve your refund 

    Continue reading “Is Sprintax Returns Safe?” »