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  • How to e-file your nonresident federal tax return using Sprintax

    It has never been easier to file your nonresident US federal tax return.

    Sprintax – the best online solution for nonresident federal and state tax returns – is the go-to software for Federal E-Filing.

    This means that, by completing the easy Sprintax questionnaire, you can file your 2023 federal return directly with the IRS online.


    What is E-Filing?

    Sprintax is now approved by the IRS to submit Federal tax returns electronically (E-Filing).

    In short, this means you no longer need to download, print and mail a physical copy of your tax return to the US tax office. Instead, you can now file your federal tax return without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home.

    By E-Filing your tax return, you can ensure that your taxes are processed by the IRS faster than if you filed a paper tax return.


    File 1040NR Online


    How does E-Filing with Sprintax work?

    When you complete the Sprintax questionnaire and proceed through the order breakdown and payment stage, you will be ready to submit your 2023 US tax return.

    If you wish to E-File your taxes, you must firstly confirm that you have not previously E-Filed your tax return before.

    You can then click the ‘Proceed with E-File’ button to move to the next step.


    E-File Authentication

    To E-File your tax return you must first electronically sign your tax return using the information requested on the screen.

    Before you can sign your return, we must verify your identity. To do so, we will ask you to provide information from your previous federal tax return.

    If you filed a federal tax return last year, you can either provide your prior year adjusted gross income or your self-selected 5-digit pin.

    You can find your adjusted gross income on line 11 of your 2022 1040NR. Please ensure the information you provide here is correct.

    If you did not file a tax return for tax year 2022, please enter ‘0’ as your prior year adjusted gross income.

    If you filed an amended tax return for tax year 2022, please enter the adjusted gross income listed on the return you filed originally.


    Electronically signing your tax return

    You will be required to select any 5-digit number (other than 00000) to electronically sign your tax return. Ensure you keep a record of this pin in a safe place.

    You will need to acknowledge that this pin is your signature and that and that you are now authorizing transmission of your return.


    Final steps

    Next, you must read the disclaimer and consent statements and confirm your agreement and that you have reviewed the information that you have entered and examined your tax return.

    You will also need to confirm that the social security numbers of each person on the return are correct.

    You must then sign the above consent disclosure by entering your date of birth.

    Finally, simply click ‘E-File My Return’ to electronically send your tax return to the IRS.


    Can I E-File my state taxes with Sprintax?

    No. You can only E-File your federal tax return with Sprintax.

    However, if you are required to file a state tax return, Sprintax will help you to prepare the documents you need.

    When you complete our questionnaire, our software will provide you with your completed state tax return.

    To file your tax return, simply download, print and sign your documents and mail them to the tax office.


    Can everyone E-File their federal taxes?


    You will not be able to file online if:

    1. Any names or SSN do not coincide with the information provided at the About You step of the Sprintax questionnaire
    2. Any of your payment documents do not have an EIN
    3. Any of your 1042-S forms do not have a unique code identifier
    4. You have capital gains income
    5. You have form 1099-NEC
    6. You have form 1099-INT
    7. You have form 1099-MISC with box 4 higher than box 0
    8. You have included your final payslip
    9. You have self-employment income

    If you are not eligible to E-File your taxes, don’t worry. You can still download your completed forms from Sprintax and mail them to the IRS

    Note: If your W2 forms do not have a control number you must enter any 5 digit number instead.


    Do I have to E-File my tax return?

    No. If you would prefer not to file your taxes online, you can file by mail instead. Simply download your tax return, print it, sign it, and mail it to the IRS.


    When is the tax filing deadline?

    It is important to file your tax return before the 15 April 2024.

    If you owe the IRS money and you don’t file your tax return by the deadline, you may incur late filing fines and penalties from the IRS. You may also jeopardize your future US visa applications.

    What’s more, 70% of Sprintax users receive a tax refund. By not filing, you risk missing out on your tax refund.

    The average federal refund is $1,004. Do you really want to leave that kind of money in the US? Of course not!


    E-File your 1040NR US tax return with Sprintax

    File 1040NR Online


    Who must file tax documents in the US?

    Every nonresident in the US has a tax filing requirement.

    If you earned income in the US, you will be required to file a federal tax return. You may also have a state tax filing requirement.

    Nonresident aliens who are in the US on a J or F visa must file a Form 8843 “Statement of Exempt Individuals and Individuals with a Medical Condition” even if they received no income in the US.

    No matter what nonresident tax document you need to file, Sprintax can help you.

    Get started with your US nonresident tax return here.


    Why choose Sprintax?

    Sprintax will cater to all of your nonresident tax filing requirements.

    • We help more than 215,000 nonresidents (from over 200 nationalities) with their taxes every year
    • We are now live for Federal Tax Return E-Filing
    • Automatic generation of completed tax documents including federal, state and FICA tax returns, form 8843, tax return amendments and more
    • Your maximum US tax refund guaranteed – our average federal refund is $1,004
    • 24/7 Live Chat tax support


    How to get started

    To file your US federal tax return online with Sprintax, simply create your account or login here.

    Next, we will ask you a couple of easy questions about your time in the US and the income you earned.

    Our software will then automatically apply any treaty benefits or tax relief you are entitled to – minimizing your tax bill!

    You will then have the opportunity to either E-File or download your completed documents.

    It’s that easy!


    E-File your tax return with Sprintax

    Start here


  • Nonresident alien tax filing explained

    NRA tax guide

    Last updated: 26 Jan 2024

    Whether you are dreaming of a trip to the US, or you are about to embark on one, the prospect of jetting off to The Land of Opportunity is bound to be exciting.

    While you get to grips with the culture in the US, one area that often confuses nonresidents is tax.

    That’s why Sprintax is here!

    We specialize in making tax as straightforward as possible to newcomers in the US.

    So, without further ado, here’s our ultimate guide to filing taxes as a nonresident in the US. Continue reading “Nonresident alien tax filing explained” »

  • A Complete Tax Guide for Au Pairs in the U.S.

    au pair paying taxes

    (Last updated: 22 Jan 2024)

    Each year, thousands of au pairs move to the US to live with host families.

    We’ve put this handy guide together to fill you in on everything you need to know about foreign au pairs and tax in the US.

    Continue reading “A Complete Tax Guide for Au Pairs in the U.S.” »

  • Filing an international student tax return – U.S. tax season survival guide for students on F-1 visa

    F1 International student tax return guide 2023

    A handy tax guide for international students and scholars in the US on an F-1 visa

    Tax filing might not be the most exciting aspect of international student life in the US.

    After all, tax returns for international students probably weren’t high on your list of priorities when moving to the US!

    However, the importance of completing these forms correctly cannot be underestimated – the way you handle your international student tax affairs will have a major impact on future Green Card and visa applications.

    With this in mind, we’ve created this handy tax guide for international students and scholars in the US on an F-1 visa.

    We’ve covered everything you need to know about tax returns, refunds, and how to stay in the taxman’s good books! So, let’s get started!


    Continue reading “Filing an international student tax return – U.S. tax season survival guide for students on F-1 visa” »

  • How to file Form 8843 – instructions for nonresident aliens

    IRS form 8843 instructions [2024]


    There are 3 things that every US international student and J-1 visa holder needs to know about American tax:

      1. Every US international student and J-1 visa holder has a tax filing requirement
      2. It doesn’t matter if you have earned income. You must still file your documents before the deadline
      3. The IRS takes this stuff seriously! In other words, if you don’t comply with your tax obligations, you may encounter complications when applying for US visas in the future

    Regardless of whether you have earned income during your time in the US, if you are a nonresident in the US, you will still need to file what’s known as a Form 8843 “Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical Condition”.

    This blog post will focus on exactly what you need to do in order to file this form and remain compliant with the IRS.

    NOTE: If you are considered a resident for tax purposes, you are not required to file IRS form 8843.

    Continue reading “How to file Form 8843 – instructions for nonresident aliens” »

  • 表格8843 -是什么及如何提交?

    表格8843 -是什么及如何提交?


      1. 每个美国国际学生和J-1签证持有人都有纳税申报要求
      2. 是否有收入并不重要。你必须在截止日期前提交文件
      3. 国税局会认真对待这件事的!换句话说,如果您不遵守您的税务义务,您可能会遇到复杂的申请美国签证在未来



    : 如果您是居民纳税人,则无需填写美国国税局的8843表格。

    Continue reading “表格8843 -是什么及如何提交?” »

  • Form 8843 – 정의와 제출 방법은?

    Form 8843 – 정의와 제출 방법은?

    미국 유학생과 J-1 비자 소지자들은 미국 세금에 대하여 다음의 세 가지를 알아야 합니다.

    1. 모든 미국 유학생과 J-1 비자 소지자들은 세금 신고를 해야 합니다.
    2. 소득 유무와는 상관없이, 반드시 마감일 전에 신고서를 제출해야 합니다.
    3. IRS는 세금 신고를 중요시합니다. 즉, 납세 의무를 지키지 않으면 향후 미국 비자를 신청할 때 문제가 생길 수 있습니다.

    미국 비거주자라면 미국 체류 기간 동안 소득 발생 여부와 관계없이 Form 8843 “Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical Condition(면제자 및 질병이 있는 개인을 위한 성명서)을 제출해야 합니다. Continue reading “Form 8843 – 정의와 제출 방법은?” »

  • How to prepare for the 2023 US tax season

    Tax tips to prepare international student for 2023 tax season

    The deadline for filing your 2023 US tax return is April 15, 2024, and it’s never too early to start preparing.

    There’s no doubt that, whether you have filed a tax return before, or this is your first year with a filing requirement, the tax season can be a real headache.

    In this blog, we’ll look at 5 things every nonresident alien in the US can do to ensure their tax season runs as smoothly as possible.

    Continue reading “How to prepare for the 2023 US tax season” »

  • Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los impuestos de las “Au Pairs” en Estados Unidos

    Impuestos de Au pairs en EEUU guia-completa

    (Última actualización: 22 Jan 2024)

    ¿Sueñas con hacer un viaje internacional prolongado?

    Muchas familias en Estados Unidos optan por contratar una Au Pair para sus hijos y cada año, miles de Au Pairs de entre 18 y 26 años vienen del extranjero.

    Al adaptarse a su nueva vida en Estados Unidos, uno de los muchos retos que se encontrará una Au Pair es el de adaptarse al sistema fiscal estadounidense.

    Por eso, hemos elaborado esta guía práctica con todo lo que una Au Pair debe saber sobre los impuestos en Estados Unidos. Continue reading “Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los impuestos de las “Au Pairs” en Estados Unidos” »

  • Полное руководство по налогам для Au Pair в США

    Au-pair в США руководство налогам

    (Обновлено на 22 января 2024 год)

    По данным IRS (Internal Revenue Service – Налогового Управления США), в США на любой стадии в течение года может быть до 12 000 помощников по хозяйству (Au Pair).

    Что это Au pair?

    Au pair – это человек в возрасте от 18 до 30 лет, который приезжает из своей страны, чтобы жить в США с семьей и работать в качестве опекуна/воспитателя. Работа в качестве Au Pair является непревзойденной возможностью познакомиться с американским образом жизни, а для тех, кто не является носителем английского языка, это возможность выучить и практиковать язык.

    Одна из многих проблем, с которыми Au Pair приходится сталкиваться по прибытии в США, заключается ознакомлении с налоговой системой США.

    Имея это в виду, мы собрали это удобное руководство, чтобы рассказать вам обо всем, что вам нужно знать об иностранных Au Pair и налогах в США.

    Итак, начнем!

    Continue reading “Полное руководство по налогам для Au Pair в США” »

  • Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre os impostos de Au Pair nos EUA

    Impostos Au pairs nos EUA explicados

    (Ultima atualização: 22 Janeiro 2023)


    Sonha com uma longa viagem internacional?

    Muitas famílias nos Estados Unidos optam por contratar uma au pair para seus filhos. Todos os anos, aproximadamente 20.000 au pairs entre 18 e 26 anos de idade vão aos EUA vindas de outros países.

    Um dos muitos desafios que uma au pair terá que enfrentar no período de adaptação é o de se familiarizar com o sistema tributário americano.

    Com isso em mente, elaboramos este guia prático com tudo o que uma au pair precisa saber sobre os impostos americanos. Continue reading “Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre os impostos de Au Pair nos EUA” »

  • 揭秘:非美国学生问我们的15个税务问题!




    Sprintax Returns,我们提供24/7的实时聊天服务。我们的聊天团队随时指导我们的客户,并回答他们所有的税务问题,整个筹备过程。

    因此,我们现在可以揭示(并回答)14个最常见的美国税务问题。 Continue reading “揭秘:非美国学生问我们的15个税务问题!” »

  • Your frequently asked nonresident tax questions answered

    nonresident alien FAQs

    (Last updated: 1 Aug 2023)

    Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about U.S. taxes. Continue reading “Your frequently asked nonresident tax questions answered” »

  • Налоговый гид для участников программы Camp Counselors по визе J-1

    Вожатые лагерей США по визе J-1 - Налоговый гид

    (Последнее обновление: 18 мая 2023 г.)


    Программа Camp Counselors (Вожатые лагеря) позволяет вам делиться своей культурой и идеями, работая в летнем лагере в США.

    Чтобы принять участие в программе Camp Counselors, вам нужна виза культурного обмена J-1. Эта виза позволяет иностранцам, не являющимся иммигрантами, временно проживать в США для работы в летнем лагере.

    Как правило, участники J-1 программы Camp Counselors считаются нерезидентами для целей налогообложения. По прибытии в лагерь вы должны заполнить важные налоговые документы, и директор вашего лагеря может помочь вам в этом.
    Continue reading “Налоговый гид для участников программы Camp Counselors по визе J-1” »

  • 5 documentos de impuestos de EE.UU. que todo participante J1 o estudiante internacional debe conocer

    Visado J1 o F1 - documentos-impuestos de Estados Unidos

    Aceptémoslo – El tema de impuestos es muy aburrido!

    Y cuando vas a EE.UU. como participante J1 o estudiante internacional, el sistema tributario local será probablemente lo último en lo que pienses.

    Sin embargo, aburrido o no, el cumplimiento con las autoridades fiscales– el IRS – es crucial para todo participante J1 o estudiante internacional. En efecto, es una de las condiciones de tu visa! Y el manejo de tus asuntos fiscales en territorio americano. puede jugar un papel muy importante en el resultado de tu futura visa o aplicación para una Green Card.

    Pero, hacer una lectura rápida sobre los impuestos de EE.UU. al llegar al país, puede ahorrarte muchos dolores de cabeza en el futuro.

    Como no-residente, hay un número de formularios y documentos con los que necesitas familiarizarte mientras te encuentres allá

    En este blog, encontrarás una guía de 5 de los documentos fiscales más importantes y los casos en que deben ser utilizados, por qué necesitas presentarlos, y la manera más fácil de completar cada uno. Continue reading “5 documentos de impuestos de EE.UU. que todo participante J1 o estudiante internacional debe conocer” »