All posts in Tax Tips

  • Will I pay Capital Gains Tax in the US as a nonresident?

    non resident capital gains tax

    (Updated for 2024)

    Capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax imposed on profit earned from the sale of specific assets.

    For nonresident aliens, these assets often include investments like stocks, real estate, cryptocurrency and personal property.

    So, while living in the US, you may be subject to capital gains tax when you sell these assets and earn a profit.

    Many nonresidents in the US find it challenging to manage their CGT responsibilities. That’s why we’ve put together this guide which will outline everything you need to know to correctly file your capital gains tax return before the deadline.

    Continue reading “Will I pay Capital Gains Tax in the US as a nonresident?” »

  • How to apply for a Social Security Number as a nonresident / international student in the US?

    how to apply for ssn as an international student

    Are you a nonresident of the US wondering how you can get a Social Security Number (SSN), or whether you are in fact eligible for a SSN?

    In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about Social Security Numbers – such as how to apply for SSN, when is best to apply for a SSN, filling out Form SS-5 and the documents you will need when applying!

    Continue reading “How to apply for a Social Security Number as a nonresident / international student in the US?” »

  • Important information for J-1 visa holders before they leave the US

    J-1 visa holders leaving US

    Are you currently in the US on a J-1 visa? Or perhaps you are planning to visit the US on a J-1 visa in the future.

    A J-1 visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows eligible participants to go to the US for a specific time period to engage in a cultural or educational exchange.

    J-1 programs fall under many categories, including Au Pair, Summer Work and Travel, Intern, Student, Research Scholar, and more!

    No matter what J-1 visa you are on, you are sure to make great memories in the US, exploring the country and gaining invaluable life, training and employment experience.

    Although taxes are probably the last thing on your mind as you enjoy your adventure, it is important to stay compliant with the IRS. After all, each J-1 program participant has a tax filing requirement. And if you do not have a clean tax record, you may encounter complications when applying for future US visas.

    In this article, we will share important information on your J-1 tax obligations as well as other tips to consider before you leave the US.


    Tax obligations on a J-1 visa

    Most J-1 visa holders are considered to be ‘nonresident aliens’ for tax purposes in the US.

    Your tax residency status will be determined by what’s known as the Substantial Presence Test. This test determines an individual’s tax residency status based on the number of days spent in the US.

    If you meet the Substantial Presence Test, you will be considered a resident of the US for tax purposes and if you don’t you will be considered a nonresident and therefore will only be taxed on income earned in the US.

    It is important to understand your tax obligations as a J-1 visa holder.

    Regardless of your tax residency status, everyone in the US on a J-1 visa has a tax filing requirement and must file a tax return to account for their time in America.

    Even if you didn’t earn any income during your time there, you will still be required to file tax documents.

    J1 tax filing obligation


    Filing your nonresident tax return

    You must file a US tax return to be compliant with the IRS and avoid any fines or penalties.

    The tax deadline in the US is usually 15 April. This means if you are working in the US on a J-1 visa in 2023, you must file your tax return before the tax deadline in April 2024.

    When filing your tax return you will need a Form W-2 along with Form 1040NR if you earned income, or Form 8843 if you did not earn anything.

    Learn more about filing your J-1 tax return here.


    What is Form W-2?

    Form W-2 details important information regarding the income you earned throughout your employment in America and the taxes withheld.

    You’ll need this document when filing your tax return and you will typically receive it from your employer by the end of January.


    What is Form 1040NR?

    Form 1040NR is the form that is used by nonresidents in the US to file a tax return.

    There are a number of documents you will need to have close by when you sit down to file your J-1 tax return. These include:

    • Passport
    • Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
    • US entry and exit dates for current and all previous visits
    • All tax forms you’ve received (including Forms W-2, 1042-S and/or 1099, etc.)
    • Visa/immigration status information – Form DS-2019

    Read our ultimate US tax return guide for J-1 visa holders to learn more.


    Here are some more important things to keep in mind when you leave the US at the end of your J-1 program

    j1 visa leaving us


    Retain your DS-2019 Form

    This form certifies that you have been approved for a J-1 visa program and contains details about the program such as the J-1 visa category and the start and end dates of the program.

    It is important not to disregard your DS-2019 as you will need it for future visa applications.


    Closing your American bank accounts

    When you arrive in the US, it’s a good idea to open a bank account as soon as you can. It will make your life easier when you are being paid by an employer.

    It is advised that you visit your bank before leaving America to discuss the closing of your account. Some banks may require you to be present to close your account while others can be closed online.

    It is important to note that the process of receiving your J-1 tax refund is more straightforward if you have a US bank account.

    If it is a requirement to close your bank account in person before leaving the US, alternative options to receive your tax refund include by check, advancing the amount owed to a future tax return, or by Wise. Find out more about the options you have to get your hands on your American tax refund here.

    By doing so, you will avoid maintenance or other fees building up in your bank account, which may affect your ability to obtain future American visas.

    Don’t forget to cancel any direct debits you might have set up during your time in America.

    Another tip is to notify your bank that your address will be changing. This will ensure any confidential letters are no longer posted to that address.


    Keep your Social Security Number (SSN) safe

    Most J-1 visa holders have to get a SSN or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) when they arrive in the US.

    SSNs or ITINs serve as tax identification numbers and they are used for tax filing purposes.

    Many people ask “does J-1 SSN expire?

    The answer is no, a SSN is a lifelong personal identification number. Therefore, if you visit the US in the future on another visa or for a work opportunity, you can still use the same SSN.

    With that in mind, it is important to take note of your SSN or ITIN and not disregard your identification number as you will need it when filing your tax return and if you are working in the US in the future.

    Does J1 SSN expire


    Understanding your J-1 Visa 30-day ‘grace period’

    It is very important to understand the J-1 visa grace period.

    The J-1 visa 30-day grace period refers to the time you have to depart the US following the completion of your J-1 program.

    Generally people on a J-1 visa use this time to travel to different locations in the US.

    Amongst all of the planning and excitement to visit the top places on your list, it is important not to stay in the US past the grace period.

    Keep in mind that you must only travel within the US during this period. For instance, if you decide to travel to Canada, you will no longer be able to enter the US on your J-1 visa.

    During the grace period you cannot work in the US, and staying in the US past this period is another factor that could affect your chances of obtaining future visas to the US.


    Can a J-1 visa be extended?

    Eligibility to extend J-1 visas varies depending on what J-1 visa category applies to you.

    In most cases, J-1 Summer Work and Travel visas are not eligible for extensions. This visa is specifically designed for students to work and travel in the US during the Summer period.

    If you are taking part in this J-1 visa program you could explore other visa options to allow you to stay longer in the US.

    Whereas, some other J-1 visa categories may be eligible for an extension. For instance, if you are in the US on a J-1 visa under the ‘Student’ or ‘Research’ category you may be eligible for an extension if the program requires additional time to complete.

    Overall, eligibility to extend your visa in the US depends on the specific J-1 visa category that applies to you and other eligibility factors.


    Do you need help filing your tax return from your time spent on a J-1 visa in the US?

    We understand that filing your tax return yourself can be stressful and time-consuming.

    So why not let Sprintax guide you through the process!

    Our tax software will support you from start-to-finish – guaranteeing that you are fully tax compliant in the US and ensuring you receive your maximum J-1 tax refund.

    Filing with Sprintax is a simple online process. To get started, simply create your account by completing the short form here.


    More reasons to choose Sprintax

    • Simple online process – no paperwork required
    • We are the official nonresident tax filing partner of TurboTax
    • Access to 24/7 live chat with our team of experts


    Start your J-1 tax return


  • I am a nonresident working in the hospitality industry in the US. Should I pay tax on my tips? How do I do this?

    claiming tips on taxes

    Tipping is very common in the US, especially in the hospitality industry.

    And for those that receive them, tips can account for a significant portion of an employees’ overall pay.

    In fact, employers in various states in America are entitled to pay staff working in particular industries below the minimum wage rate, because they receive tips.

    If you’re a nonresident employee who receives tips from customers in the US, it is important to understand that this income is taxable and must be reported to the IRS. Continue reading “I am a nonresident working in the hospitality industry in the US. Should I pay tax on my tips? How do I do this?” »

  • Your frequently asked nonresident tax questions answered

    nonresident alien FAQs

    (Last updated: 1 Aug 2023)

    Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about U.S. taxes. Continue reading “Your frequently asked nonresident tax questions answered” »

  • Welcome to the NBA Victor Wembanyama! Here’s how much nonresident tax the French superstar could pay

    Do foreign NBA players pay taxes in the U.S.?

    (Last updated: 13 July 2023)

    What this article will cover:

    • How much will the NBA’s number 1 draft pick earn?
    • Do foreign NBA players pay taxes? And how much tax do NBA players pay?
    • When it comes to tax, why are overseas players treated differently to US-born players

    Continue reading “Welcome to the NBA Victor Wembanyama! Here’s how much nonresident tax the French superstar could pay” »

  • How to add investment income in Sprintax when filing a tax return

    How to add investment income in Sprintax when filing a tax return

    Many nonresidents are unaware that income earned from investments in the US is subject to tax from the IRS.

    What’s more, if you have earned investment income, you may be required to file a tax return.

    With this in mind, if you are unfamiliar with the process of managing this tax responsibility, you may be feeling daunted by the task of filing correctly.

    In this guide we will discuss everything you need to know to include investment income on your US tax return.


    What is investment income in the US?

    In the US, investment income is considered to be passive income. This means that it is not effectively connected with trade or business inside the US.

    This is an important detail as it indicates that the income is taxed differently to regular US-sourced income.

    Essentially, investment income is made from interest payments, dividends, or capital gains realized on the sale of stock or other assets.

    For example, Cryptocurrency is one of the most popular areas where investment income is earned in the US.

    So, if you made a profit during the tax year on any cryptocurrency (which you traded from a US exchange or broker) while you were living within the US, you will have to declare it on a tax return.


    investment income tax

    Is there investment income tax in the US?

    Yes, if you earn investment income as a nonresident in the US, you will be taxed on it.

    However, many nonresidents are not aware of this tax on investment income in the US. Usually, any share of investment profit you make will be charged at the regular Capital Gains Tax (CGT) rate of 30%.

    Dividends received from your investments will also be taxed at 30%.

    However, if your home country has a tax treaty with the US, you may be able to claim a reduction in taxes paid.


    What forms do I need when filing my investment income tax return?

    If you earned income through Robinhood, eToro or a similar system, it’s likely you’ll receive a 1099-B form.

    You will receive your 1099-B form from your broker or banker. The information on your 1099-B form will need to be outlined on your 1040NR tax return.

    This form outlines gains and losses throughout the year for the trader.

    Information on the form such as the date the share was acquired and sold will be needed to complete it.


    How do I use Sprintax to file my investment income?

    Sprintax Returns can help you complete your 1040NR form so that your investment income is reported properly.

    Once you receive your 1099 form from your broker or banker, you will need to complete your tax return 1040NR with the information from the 1099-B, 1099-Int or 1099-Div forms you received.

    Remember, it’s vitally important you report your investment income tax on your tax return. Doing so will keep you compliant with the tax authorities.

    form 1099-B Copy A

    Below, you can see a step-by-step analysis of each part of the 1099-B form:

    1a – Description of Property

    Тhis will outline the number of transactions made toward one company.

    1b – Date acquired

    The very first date you bought the stocks

    1c – Date sold or disposed

    The last date you sold the stocks

    1e – Cost or Other basis

    The total amount on which you bought the transactions reported.


    The total amount on which you sold the transactions reported.

    1g – Wash sale loss disallowed

    Typically, to estimate your wash sale you have to subtract the wash sale amount from the cost basis amount from the broker’s report and enter the result in the cost basis field on Sprintax 1099-B to arrive at the correct gain.

    Note that this is not something that Sprintax will calculate for you, it is an amount that you will calculate by yourself and then be used by the software to prepare your return.

    Box 4, 16 – Federal/State taxes withheld

    You do not fill anything here as you do NOT have taxes withheld on the 1099 forms.

    Enter ‘0’ if you are not allowed to continue without filling the boxes.

    Box 14State name

    The state you lived in while buying and selling the stocks.

    Box 15State identification no.

    Enter ‘0’ as you do NOT have a state identification number.

    Payer’s details

    You should enter the details of the company you traded with. For example – Robinhood.

    If you do not have their tax identification number – you can put a ‘0’ in each box.


    When you are using Sprintax, you will be asked if your income is effectively connected to an US business or trade.

    If your only US business activity is trading in stocks, securities, or commodities (including hedging transactions) through a US resident broker or other agent, you are NOT engaged in a trade or business in the United States and you can select ‘No’ for this question.

    how to report investment income on tax return

    Where is the best place to file my US taxes?

    That’s easy – Sprintax Returns!

    Sprintax Returns was created specifically with nonresidents in the US in mind, aiming to ensure they complete the often tricky tax-filing process correctly and on time.

    Our specialist software was designed to help you e-file both federal and state taxes.

    We will guide you through the entire process – helping you to claim every tax relief you’re due to minimize your investment tax bill.


    With Sprintax Returns, you can:

    • Avoid unnecessary stress
    • Ensure you are compliant with tax authorities
    • Claim any tax refund due and avail of tax treaty benefits
    • Chat anytime 24/7 with our team in the Live Chat facility

    Simply create your Sprintax Returns account here or login to get started!

  • On a Sports scholarship in the US? Here’s what international students on athletic scholarships need to know about taxes

    international student sports scholarship tax

    (Last updated: 22 Feb 2023)

    Many athletes dream of having an opportunity to move to the US on a sports scholarship and study in one of their world-famous universities. If you are good enough to have been offered a scholarship, here’s what you need to know about taxes!

    Studying in the US is expensive and while most universities offer scholarships and many accept applications from international students. Over 600 US universities offer $20,000 worth of scholarships to international students.

    Are athletic scholarships taxable?

    If you are an international student, in the US on a sports or athletic scholarship you are most likely considered a nonresident and you’re legally obliged to file a federal tax return even if you have received even $0.01.

    You may also be obliged to file a state tax return, depending on your personal circumstances.

    Continue reading “On a Sports scholarship in the US? Here’s what international students on athletic scholarships need to know about taxes” »

  • Your US Tax Residency Status Explained

    US residency for tax purposes

    (Updated for 2024)

    Resident or Nonresident – this is the question!

    Determining your tax residency status is important, as it will determine how much tax you must pay while in the US.

    The most common mistake nonresidents make is filing their taxes as a resident. If a nonresident files as a resident they can claim benefits and receive refunds that they’re not entitled to. Incorrect filing breaks the terms and conditions of a nonresident visa, this can lead to fines and penalties and you may also jeopardize your future visa or green card applications.

    In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about your residency and how you can determine your residency status.
    Continue reading “Your US Tax Residency Status Explained” »

  • E-Signature on Tax Forms – Can I Sign My Tax Forms Online?

    e-signature on tax forms

    The topic of e-signatures on tax forms is a relatively new subject.

    That is because the IRS has traditionally required paper signatures on all of their tax forms.

    However, for some tax forms, the rules have changed somewhat over recent years.

    This is due to a number of reasons, mainly due to the fact that the IRS is constantly looking to modernize the way in which they operate.

    In this blog, we’ll delve into what the current rules on whether or not you as a nonresident alien on an F, J, M or Q visa can sign your tax forms online, and if it is beneficial for you.


    What is an electronic signature?

    An e-signature, also known as an electronic signature, is an efficient way to sign documents electronically with a digital ID.

    Where does this apply to tax forms? Well, many tax forms can be completed electronically, but rules have stated that they need a paper signature.

    However, the IRS has recognized that completing, printing, and sending tax forms is a significant burden as opposed to e-filing them, so they are beginning to change their rules.

    The current law that allows e-signatures on tax documents is in place until 31 October 2023.

    From the end of October 2023 onwards, it is likely that it will be extended.


    What are the benefits of an electronic signature?

    The main benefit of using an e-signature is that it saves time on tax return preparation for workers.

    As well as this, when you apply an electronic signature to your document, it will lock it from further editing. This provides a safeguard against potential document manipulation after the taxpayer has completed the form.

    They can also save you money, as every time you use an e-signature, it prevents you from having to print the document and ultimately spend more money on paper (and ink!).


    How to add an electronic signature to a form

    To add an e-signature to a tax form, you will need to try a software that offers this service. For example, DocuSign e-signature is officially recognized by the IRS.

    The IRS states that it can accept two types of electronic signatures on tax documents:

    • Digital signatures: If you have software that allows you to sign documents digitally, you may do this – it is more secure than an image signature.
    • Imaged signatures: This is done by hand signing a form, scanning it, and saving it as an image.


    What is a digital signature?

    There are subtle differences between electronic signatures and digital signatures, despite how similar they sound.

    Although both are used to add authenticity to documents, they perform different operations.

    Digital signatures use technology to encrypt a signature – ensuring the person is not lying about their identity.

    The difference is that e-signatures outline that a signatory is to be legally bound by the terms within a specific document.


    Does the IRS accept electronic signatures?

    Recently, the IRS has begun to lax its rules on tax document signatures.

    For nonresidents, that applies to many of the common tax forms used in tax season.


    Can I add e-signatures with Sprintax?

    Sprintax can add e-signatures on W-4, W-9, W8-BEN, and Form 8233, but not W-7. You can do this with Sprintax Forms.

    To e-file your tax documents with Sprintax, you will need to electronically sign your forms using the information requested on the screen when you are finalizing your return.

    Before signing your return, you must verify your identity with us. This will require you to provide information from your previous federal tax return (If you did not file a tax return for tax year 2020, please enter ‘0’ as your prior year adjusted gross income).

    Next, you’ll be asked to agree to a disclaimer and consent statements before agreeing the information you entered is correct.

    Finally, simply click ‘E-File My Return’ to electronically send your tax return to the IRS.

    Check out the handy video below that outlines how to electronically file your return with Sprintax Returns!



    How Sprintax will help you

    As a nonresident, Sprintax will offer assistance with all you need come tax season.

    At Sprintax, we:

    • Help more than 215,000 nonresidents (including more than 200 nationalities) with their taxes every year
    • Automatically generate completed tax documents including federal, state and FICA tax returns, form 8843, tax return amendments and more
    • Get you your maximum US tax refund. guaranteed – our average federal refund is $1,126
    • 24/7 Live Chat tax support


    E-file nonresident tax return with Sprintax



  • IRS tax scams – what they are and how to avoid them

    How to avoid IRS tax scams

    Most international students dread the thought of taxes when they are in the United States.

    After all, there is so much focus on without getting confused about things like tax forms and treaties.

    Many international students need help with their taxes – this can leave them vulnerable to people looking to exploit them.

    Tax and Internal Revenue Service scams have been on the rise over the past few years. Here at Sprintax, we strive to educate and assist international students in the US so that they don’t make mistakes when it comes to tax. Continue reading “IRS tax scams – what they are and how to avoid them” »

  • Five top takeaways from the Nonresident Tax Clinic

    At the recent Nonresident Tax Clinic, our panel of industry thought leaders explored the world of tax compliance and outlined the latest developments in rules and regulations for taxation of nonresidents in the US.

    This fascinating event was ideal for anyone working within a HR, payroll department, or international office and who is interested in learning more about nonresident tax compliance.

    If you missed the Nonresident Tax Clinic and would like to check it out, you can watch it back here. Continue reading “Five top takeaways from the Nonresident Tax Clinic” »

  • Line-up announced for the Sprintax Nonresident Tax Clinic 2022

    The Sprintax Nonresident tax clinic 2022
    • The Nonresident Tax Clinic takes place on Wednesday 17 August
    • This free-to-attend session will be a complete tax guide to hiring and paying foreign nationals
    • Practical advice for payroll department & international office staff
    • Fantastic panel of speakers confirmed

    Register here to save your seat Continue reading “Line-up announced for the Sprintax Nonresident Tax Clinic 2022” »

  • Top 8 tax myths international students in US believe in – DEBUNKED!

    tax myths international students believe in

    George Orwell once said: “Myths that are believed in tend to become true”.

    Well, there might be a grain of truth in what he said but not when it comes to taxes and the U.S. taxation laws.

    As an international student you are not supposed to know the US tax procedures concerning tax return filing by heart but at least you should be aware of the Top 8 tax myths that most international students tend to believe in.

    So do not walk around believing in “old wives’ tax tales and check the most common tax myths DEBUNKED here!


    Continue reading “Top 8 tax myths international students in US believe in – DEBUNKED!” »

  • Taxes on eSports income – everything nonresidents need to know

    Do eSport players have to pay taxes?

    eSports are a form of competition where video gamers from around the world connect and compete for money.

    Despite being around since the 1970s, eSports only began to truly take off in the late 2000s. In fact, it is estimated that nearly 500 million people tuned into Esports in 2020, whether as enthusiasts or occasional viewers.

    From amateur level gamers to tournaments with millions of dollars in prize money on offer, eSports has blown up in a big way over the past decade.

    But tournament play isn’t the only way to earn an income from eSports.

    The outbreak of COVID-19 has empowered gamers to find opportunities to earn an income from live-streaming and even ‘influencer’ marketing!

    Many US universities are jumping on the eSports bandwagon too!

    In fact, more than 60 education institutions in the US have introduced an eSports program and the NCAA are reportedly considering a role in the sport.

    However, the IRS does not consider tax evasion to be a game.

    So if you are in the US as a nonresident and have eSports gaming earnings, it’s important to keep in mind that you are obliged to declare this income for tax.

    Determining how to include your eSports income on your tax return can be tricky.

    With that in mind, we’ve put together this guide on everything you need to know about your eSports tax requirements.

    Are nonresidents entitled to earn income from Esports in the US?

    The answer to this question largely depends on your visa and immigration status.

    While many nonresidents will be entitled to earn an income from eSports, it is important to be aware that you will need to obtain the proper immigration status before you earn an income.

    How much tax will I have to pay on my eSports income and will I have to file a tax return?

    As eSports becomes increasingly popular and a greater number of individuals earn income, it is easy to imagine that the IRS will put a larger emphasis on the taxation of this industry.

    With this in mind, it is wise to correctly determine your tax liability early so that you can avoid a tax bill (and potential fines) from the IRS later on.

    Exactly how much you will pay in tax will depend on the type of income you earned. There are two options to consider: if you are paid to participate and play a number of hours daily, then your income will be treated as personal services and it may be taxed at a graduated rate.

    However, if you win a one-off prize, the amount is taxable at 30% nonresident rate, unless it is covered by a tax treaty between your home country and the US. More on that here.

    However, things may get confusing if you earn income from a tournament held in one state but play it remotely from the state in which you live.

    To examine this in more detail, let’s take a look at a case study.

    Case Study – Abdul

    Abdul is a 23-year old Esports gamer, originally from Pakistan, but living in California on an F-1 visa. Abdul does not meet the Substantial Presence Test and is therefore deemed a nonresident for tax purposes.

    In March 2021, he took part in an online tournament from his bedroom in California. He ended up finishing the tournament in first place and pocketing the prize money.

    However, the tournament was held in New York.

    Abdul may have to pay taxes on his Californian tax return as well as a New York tax return.

    Abdul will be entitled to pay what is known as ‘jock tax’.

    This is used by a state tax authority in order to charge eSport players that aren’t residents for income earned there.

    How to include eSports income on your tax return

    Firstly, it depends on how you received the money.

    If you entered a competition and won the money by yourself, you will technically have won a prize or award, which still needs to be taxed.

    In general, nonresidents who receive this are taxed at a rate of 30%. You should complete a W-8BEN in order to confirm your foreign status and treaty eligibility with the payer of the award from this tournament.

    If you are a nonresident in the US, and you are employed by a gaming company and received the money as salary, you will be required to file a form 1040-NR in order to pay tax on esports winnings.

    On top of this, if you are hired by a company to play games professionally, which many gamers are, income will need to be added to your W-2 form by your employer.

    The W-2 form should be issued by the company that hires you. Dependent personal service income (wages, salaries) are taxed at a graduated rate to NRA, unless these are not covered by a tax treaty agreement.

    Depending on where the tournament took place, you may also be required to file a state(s) tax return.

    Where to include it on your tax return will also depend on how much money you made from it.

    If you only earned a small amount of money, you can claim it as additional income on your tax return.

    What happens if I don’t file my tax return

    It’s hugely important that you comply with US tax regulations.

    After all, with the growth of the eSports industry, the IRS is stepping up its approach to the taxation of Esports income.

    The message from the IRS? File your taxes!

    You will need to file before the US tax deadline (April 15).

    By not filing or declaring all of your income, you may receive penalties and fines from the IRS.

    In general, you will be hit with the late-filing penalty of 5% for each month left unfiled.

    If, after 60 days have passed and you still haven’t filed, the minimum penalty is $435 or 100% of the unpaid tax, whichever is less.

    There is also a chance that any future US visa and Green Card applications may be affected as a consequence.

    The good news is that you can easily prepare your US tax documents online with Sprintax!

    Who can help me with my US tax return?

    Sprintax Returns can help you take care of your tax responsibilities!

    If you are a nonresident in the US, our software will ensure that your income is properly declared, meaning you won’t end up paying any more income than you need to.

    In fact, we are the only online Federal and State self-prep tax software currently available for nonresidents in the US!

    If you are confused about any aspect of your tax obligations, we also offer 24/7 Live Chat.

    If you have any questions about your tax situation, feel free to reach out to our team at any time.