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如果你在纳税申报单上写错了,或者忘记申请抵税或扣减,也不要担心。你可以提交一份修改过的申报表来解决这个问题。——美国国税局 在申报非居民外国人所得税时犯了错误?别担心,修复它并不像你想象的那么困难! 美国的税收是很棘手的——尤其是如果你是一个不熟悉美国税收制度的非美国居民。美国国税局(IRS)知道税收代码很复杂,而且人们会犯错误。
Forms W-2 and 1099 for international students and nonresidents
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Everything nonresidents need to know about the W-2 and 1099 forms

Every year, nonresidents and international students who have earned an income in the US will receive a W-2 form from their employer - outlining wage and salary information. In addition, you may also receive a form 1099 detailing different types of income received during the year e.g., self-employed income, interest on bank accounts, stocks bonds or dividends.